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Surprise Yourself

Do you ever set a goal and then as you are taking steps to achieve it you are surprised at what you’re actually accomplishing? You look back at how far you have come and how you’ve changed as a person and you are overcome with pride.

Have you ever had that?

If no, then I suggest you go set a goal right now. Seriously, stop reading this, go do some brainstorming and set a goal for the remainder of 2019.

I was walking home from dropping my kids off at daycare, it was a sunny cool crisp fall morning and all of a sudden I was overcome with pride and joy. I realized, almost out of nowhere, that I’ve come so far in the past 6 months. I realized with every accomplishment I surprise myself, and I love it! 

I started my own freaking business! I’m learning and taking steps everyday. Looking back I’m surprised I took the leap and decided I’d figure it out as I went. Each week brings new challenges. Each week I get to dig deep and overcome my mindset barriers. I am becoming resilient and my mindset in difficult situations is improving each week.

Back in August I set a goal to run once a week. I started small with 20 minutes and increased it by 1-2 minutes every week. I started at a 10 minute mile pace and it was hard. I felt heavy and slow and the first few weeks I didn’t enjoy it. Now though I LOVE my morning runs. I look forward to it. I’m running at an 8:40 pace for 30 minutes! I finish feeling strong and energized. I’m so surprised I have stuck with it. I even woke up at 5:30am one morning and went to the gym to run for 30 minutes on the treadmill because it was raining just to get it in. The old me would not have done that! SURPRISE! Now I look back and think if I can do that, what can’t I do?!

I set a goal to walk 3 times a week. Surprise, surprise I’m doing it!

I set a goal to not eat after 7pm. This was a hard one for me because I would ALWAYS eat a late night snack. Now it’s not even a thing. I’ve been doing it for almost 2 months and feel great about it. Again I’m super surprised I’m sticking to this and not giving into my excuses.

I set a goal to write a recipe e-book. I did it! And if you sign up for my HOLIDAY HUSTLE GROUP COACHING Program you’ll get it as a bonus!

What goal(s) will you set to finish off 2019?

If you’d like to get a jump start on your health and fitness goals then join my HOLIDAY HUSTLE GROUP COACHING PROGRAM.

SURPRISE yourself by being consistent with your nutrition and exercise during the busiest time of year. I'll be with you every step of the way cheering you on. You can do this!

The program is 6-weeks (Nov. 11 - Dec. 22) and it is designed with the busy woman (or man) in mind. The workouts are short and intense. You can do them at home with a few pairs of dumbbells. 

Do you want to get through the holiday season with no weight gain (maybe even lose a little)? Do you want to go into 2020 better than you left 2019?

The first five who register will also receive three one-on-one 30 minute nutrition coaching phone calls during the program.

The deadline to sign up is Saturday at midnight.

- Accountability during the holiday season to help you stay on track to become your best self BEFORE 2020

- Short intense workouts so you can spend more time with your loved ones

- Convenient, practical, sustainable nutrition strategies so you are not overwhelmed with counting calories, tracking food, or stressing (there is enough stress this time of year)

As a thank you you will also receive my No Fuss Recipes For Your Everyday Life recipe book to download! The book has 21 recipes, 8 of which are healthy sweet treats! The others are main course meals that are healthy and easy to make. Half of the them are vegetarian one pot meals.

Click here to sign-up! Spots are limited.

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